Home /431

431 Area Details

Country: Canada

Area Code: 431

State: Manitoba

About Area Code 431

Area code 431 was first put in service November 3, 2012. To avoid exhausting all possible phone numbers in this area code, relief planning has begun. Currently, it covers the entire state of Manitoba, and it overlaps coverage areas with area code 204.

Manitoba, The average home value is . The average resident's age is . Income average is . Population: . Latitude: Longitude: .

Major cities or places in New Jersey within area code 431 include:

Area Code 431 Time Zone & Current Time

The 431 area code lies within the Central. The current time in Central Standard Time is 03:13:43.

Recently 431 area code numbers

431 area code numbers that might be spam, scams or that people have reported as unidentified callers

Area Code 431 Recent Call Reports

Phone Number Comment Rating
431-631-5250 Scam...
Unknown Caller
431-578-9247 has been identified as a source of unwanted calls and a grievance has been lodged with the FCC...
Scam Caller
431-831-1194 PRA Group constantly calling about a debt that does not exist....
Scam Caller
431-859-3685 Wants info on social insurance number...
Unknown Caller
431-335-9301 Sending threatening voicemail...
Scam Caller
431-721-3406 Motivos...
Scam Caller
431-244-3791 Insurance Sales...
Unknown Caller
431-303-5189 Spoof Numbers, no message...
Unknown Caller
431-303-5197 Spoof Number, no mesaages...
Scam Caller
431-205-5908 No message...
Unknown Caller
431-275-5088 No calling excepted...
Unknown Caller
431-831-1194 PRA Group doing what they do best. Scamming....
Scam Caller
431-303-5197 Spoof Number, no mesaages...
Scam Caller
431-335-9301 Sending threatening voicemail...
Scam Caller
431-721-3406 Motivos...
Scam Caller
431-859-3685 Wants info on social insurance number...
Unknown Caller
431-303-5189 Spoof Numbers, no message...
Unknown Caller
431-374-7995 td bank info...
Scam Caller
431-205-5908 No message...
Unknown Caller
431-244-3791 Insurance Sales...
Unknown Caller
431-400-9704 yes, they called and hung up...
Scam Caller
431-804-9170 No message...
Unknown Caller
431-631-7209 Collections...
Scam Caller
431-304-8575 Didn't answer. Looked it up and are scammers looking for info....
Unknown Caller
431-205-6928 Bell...
Scam Caller
431-578-9247 hello td bank and trust info here please...
Scam Caller
431-699-0178 Spam text messages about cash...
Unknown Caller
431-814-5892 Weird music, then Chinese...
Unknown Caller
431-388-0987 H arassing calls and messages...
Unknown Caller