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212 Area Details

Country: United States

Area Code: 212

State: New York - NY

About Area Code 212

The 212 Area Code (or Area Code 212) is located in the state of NY. Area Code 212 is one of the 269 3-digit telephone area codes in the USA. It covers roughly 1.61 million unique phone numbers and 7.59 million individuals near the city of New York

Area code 212 was put into service on 01/01/1947. In 1984 area code 212 was split to form area code 718. In 1992 area code 212 was overlaid with area code 917. In 1999 area code 212 was overlaid with area code 646.

New York - NY, The average home value is $1.27M. The average resident's age is 58 y/o. Income average is $154K. Population: 8,550,405. Latitude: Longitude: .

Major cities or places in New Jersey within area code 212 include:

New York City, NY

Area Code 212 Time Zone & Current Time

The 212 area code lies within the Eastern. The current time in Eastern Standard Time is 11:16:03.

Recently 212 area code numbers

212 area code numbers that might be spam, scams or that people have reported as unidentified callers

Area Code 212 Recent Call Reports

Phone Number Comment Rating
212-763-2584 Caller left no message. No apparent owner of number. Suspe ......
Unknown Caller
212-763-2584 Caller left no message. No apparent owner of number. Suspe ......
Unknown Caller
212-516-6804 Asks for email to send "funding" details....
Unknown Caller
212-276-7834 No name or message; scam....
Unknown Caller
212-390-1733 Harassment to citizens...
Unknown Caller
212-245-0969 19173095735...
Scam Caller
212-496-6878 New York, NY ... *67 Callback = "The number you have called is not in service" /// SCAM...
Scam Caller
212-430-8671 Called number back not in service...
Unknown Caller
212-373-0682 Hang up no message left, I only gave this number to close personal contacts. Yet I receive scam calls regularly. Each ti...
Scam Caller
212-536-3638 Message: “Navy-AIert:-a transaction of $189 at Giant Eagle on 01/20/2024 09:23:35 seems unusual. If this is unauthoriz...
Scam Caller
212-359-5710 Phishing. Do not answer....
Unknown Caller
212-373-0653 Number unknown to me, no vmail....
Unknown Caller
212-459-2327 Unsolicited call about United health care for small business...
Unknown Caller
212-685-6060 Comcast 50% offer. They aren't a provider in this area....
Unknown Caller
212-331-2699 بااین شماره تلفن حساب من راهک وتمام اطلاعات من رابه سرقت می‌برد ه�...
Unknown Caller
212-331-2709 Claimed to be ca...
Unknown Caller
212-729-6543 No message...
Unknown Caller
212-331-2443 Called but did not answer me when I answered....
Unknown Caller
212-729-8618 Your account’s access has been disabled. I don’t have account. Attached link....
Scam Caller
212-426-5220 Scam?...
Unknown Caller
212-547-5508 Chinese consulate...
Unknown Caller
212-660-5689 Call trying to sell me investments....
Scam Caller
212-581-1204 social security scam...
Unknown Caller
212-746-0854 Harassment and stalking calls....
Scam Caller
212-746-1301 Harassment and stalking calls....
Unknown Caller
212-776-4943 Robo caller violating the Do Not Call Law with the illegal sales call ....
Scam Caller
212-496-0700 No thank u...
Unknown Caller
212-746-1312 Harassment and stalking calls....
Unknown Caller
212-245-4398 Don't know them...
Scam Caller
212-540-3388 Block eq: Reminder we are coming down to the wire on the ERTC program, did you have any W2 employees in 2020 & 21 for it...
Scam Caller
212-784-6500 7184803685...
Unknown Caller
212-244-9850 Recording speaks in an asian tonal language (chinese?) and is not understandable...
Scam Caller
212-244-9244 Person left voicemail and she was speaking Chinese...
Unknown Caller
212-244-9788 Left chinese language voicemail...
Unknown Caller
212-870-5105 Asian language, recording...
Unknown Caller
212-518-2465 Nobody on the line...
Scam Caller
212-663-1594 Personal...
Scam Caller
212-647-4835 Unk...
Unknown Caller
212-244-9524 Political annoyance that sends pictures everyday!...
Scam Caller
212-979-4826 Have no idea who this is....
Scam Caller
212-463-7532 Says I have a package no one sign for it when I press the button it hung up so I'm assuming it's just verifying the numb...
Unknown Caller
212-981-3283 Spam...
Unknown Caller
212-368-2140 Fake callerID...
Unknown Caller
212-865-1230 Scam?...
Unknown Caller
212-794-9395 Unk fem Asian caller lm in Chinese unk?...
Unknown Caller
212-244-9389 Spoof, not in service....
Scam Caller
212-865-1230 Scam?...
Unknown Caller
212-244-9244 Foreign Gibberish. Maybe Japanese or Chinese. Who knows. N ......
Unknown Caller
212-729-6543 I got a call from this number, did not answer, and caller did not leave message. Suspecting it is a spam call....
Unknown Caller
212-244-9788 received this call several times, no one on the other side. really strange, be careful, not safe !!!!...
Unknown Caller